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High-Quality Towing Services for Motorists in Need

At Wharton Towing and Recovery, we have developed a reputation for outstanding towing services throughout Olympia, WA. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service to our valued customers. Whether you are stranded with engine troubles or were in an accident, you can count on our reliable team members to arrive at your location quickly and ready to work. We’re a locally-owned and -operated company, meaning we can offer personalized service. More importantly, we are familiar with Olympia and Thurston County, giving us an advantage when arriving at your location quickly.

Our Company Offers an Impressive Range of Services

We are proud of our ability to adapt to different scenarios. For instance, towing cars or trucks on the roadside presents unique challenges. So does helping customers with tire changes, lockouts, and jumpstarts. We also have to take special care of motorcycles. No matter what service we provide, you can count on an unparalleled degree of professionalism. Our services include:

Roadside Towing

If you have broken down on the roadside, call us. Sitting on the side of the road – especially on an expressway – is dangerous. We highly encourage you not to attempt repairs or diagnostics unless it is safe to do so. Instead, call our team immediately.

Motorcycle Towing

We have the specialized equipment to transport motorcycles to a repair shop. We carefully maintain our fleet, ensuring your bike gets where it needs to go. Our team prioritizes your convenience, so we always meet our promised timetables.

Tire Changes

Changing a tire on a roadside is potentially dangerous. The less time you spend exposed, the better. We know how to change tires quickly and get you back on the road. Our roadside services are among the most widely-used we offer.

Accident Recovery

Most of the time, it is not safe to operate a vehicle following an accident. Even if it was a minor fender bender, there might be deeper issues. Rather than choose to drive based on the condition of your car's body, give us a call. We specialize in accident recovery.


Everyone has locked their keys in their car. It's a monumental inconvenience – no matter where it happens. Fortunately, we have the equipment to get you back in your vehicle. We will never damage your windows or door.


If your battery dies, you might need a replacement. But what do you do in the meantime? Wharton Towing and Recovery can get you on the road and to a repair shop for a replacement. Sometimes all you need is one jumpstart.

Fast Response Times; Outstanding Customer Service

Over the years, we have built a sterling reputation for outstanding customer support. We provide faster response times than anyone in the region, and reliability is our most valued attribute. Our customers want to know we will arrive at their location on time and ready to work. We deliver on that promise. If you’re in a tough spot, you can rely on us.

Contact Us for Superior Towing Services